In what is being hailed as “the cutest pitch video ever”, Ethan Erickson sent in an initial pitch video to see if Paradox would be interested in allowing him to create a card game called Magicka Mayhem. Paradox gave their approval – and with the help of his dad Ken Erickson, Ethan has created a game that looks both fun and challenging.

The two have created a game that they say is for all ages, easy to learn but difficult to master. You create spells by combining cards based on recipes, then use those cards to attack your opponent. After your attack, your opponent may use a mayhem card – which can cause your spell to blow up in your face, protect you from your own spell, or even cause funny results.

The game is now on Kickstarter, looking to fund a full production. So far they have more than covered their goal of $2500, and are sitting at $7495 with twenty-nine days left on the campaign. They are looking at a delivery date of July 2016 with plenty of backer packages still left. If you’re interested, head on over and check out their campaign.