Prior to E3 2013, legendary Nintendo developer Shigeru Miyamoto had revealed that his development team had been debating on two 3DS Zelda products: a Majora’s Mask remake and A Link to the Past sequel. We know from this year’s trade show that a sequel for A Link to the Past titled The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds was the chosen option of the two and will be released later this year.

With its currently outdated graphics, will Majora’s Mask ever receive a remake treatment like its Ocarina of Time predecessor? The answer is: possibly.

After E3’s Zelda reveal, IGN recently asked Miyamoto if fans “were out of luck,” to which he replied, with a chuckle:

As ambiguous as Miyamoto’s answer may sound, I believe all hope is not lost for a stunning new remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask! We may be in for a pleasant surprise come next E3!