Mother Razz, as she is affectionately known on Instagram, made another disclosure about her sister’s demise.

She guaranteed that the VIP vehicle vendor, IVD, drove her sister into the fire.

As indicated by her, IVD drove his better half into the fire, watched her consume and videoed her.

She, additionally affirmed that the famous finance manager had fled following his merciless activity.

“You drove her into the fire, you watched her consume, you videoed her. You consumed me, this fire is consuming. IVD oooo, you are on the run”, she said while sobbing.

IVD’s significant other, Airhead is dead

Kemi Filani news detailed hours prior that the Big name car vendor’s significant other, Airhead was dead.

The miserable news was declared by her sister, Mother Jazz, in an Instagram post on Saturday, October 15.

Declaring her destruction, her sister got down on IVD for killing his significant other.

“My hands are shaking

Airhead is no more. Airhead is gone-My sister is no more. The fire is consuming me Haaaaaaa. IVD you killed my main sister. Abimbola IVD killed my sister, IVD killed my sister, IVD killed my sister”.

IVD on the run as spouse dies from cremation

Review that Airhead had torched their Lagos chateau after a fight with her significant other.

— GistReel.Com (@GistReel) October 16, 2022

It was assembled that the episode occurred at their home in Megamound domain, Lekki, Lagos on Wednesday, October 12.

Sources, said that Airhead had stood up to her significant other over the steady beatings she got from him and a battle followed.

The source, who called for help, hurried her and IVD to the emergency clinic.

Sadly, Airhead was scorched to the point of being unrecognizable.

Her better half, on his part, runs away from the area following the occurrence.

As per Instablog9ja, IVD had departed suddenly as his better half, was conceded into the Emergency unit an undisclosed clinic in Lagos.