Station House Official (SHO) of Asandra, Nitesh Srivastava, said that they got a grumbling from one Sunil Kumar charging that his significant other had run off with his neighbor Sohail Khan and is absent from October 19.

He additionally said in the objection to the police that he thinks that Sohail was compelling his better half to change her religion.

Sunil, in his FIR, expressed that he was educated by certain residents that she was most recently seen while being taken to a ‘mazaar’ by Sohail.

Police said a FIR under the UP Disallowance of Unlawful Transformation of Religion Act has been held up alongside seizing a lady to urge her for marriage.

In the past as well, Sunil had claimed that his significant other was grabbed and snatched by Sohail on September 17, yet he got convenient data and mediated subsequently had the option to save his better half.

Sunil further asserted on October 19 when he got back from work, he was unable to track down his better half. He called her folks and furthermore his different family members however tracked down no hint of her.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) October 24, 2022

From there on, on October 22, he stopped the case.

The SHO said that endeavors are on to follow the denounced and the lady.