VTR chief Nesh Mani said that the woodland and Natural life division has framed a group involving 400 authorities and eight sharpshooters to shoot dead the cat.


Mani said that the big feline had designated a mother-child pair in Balua town under Gowardhan police headquarters on Saturday morning. Subsequent to killing them, the tiger escaped to a horticultural field.

“Our eight sub groups, each containing one sharpshooter cornered the tiger in the sugarcane field and gunned it down. The tiger supported four discharge wounds and died on the spot,” Mani said.

The cat had killed 35-year-old Sanjay Kumar Yadav in Dumri town on Friday and a 12-year old minor young lady on Wednesday night.

The timberland and natural life division were confronting public shock in the district as the tiger had killed such countless individuals. Keeping this in view, the Bihar government had provided take shots at sight request.

— Ajitweekly (@Ajitweekly1) October 8, 2022