This means you won’t be able to have any exclusive blaster-fuelled matches with friends - at least at launch. DICE has not ruled out this option out as a later addition. But it isn’t a lot to ask for, it’s a really simple ask by today’s standards in multiplayer gaming.
This news comes shortly after mixed reviews from the Battlefront beta and this may just be the tip of the “Oh no!” iceberg for potential customers of EA. There has been a catalogue of announcements from EA in regards to Star Wars Battlefront that have not gone down well with fans.
The reports saying it will not have a single player campaign probably evoked the most negative response from fans of the franchise. This has been a staple in all previous Star Wars games. Another major negative is that the game does not feature space battles like the previous Battlefront titles. The third most notable would be the lack of the sequel trilogies in the game.
Many fear all of the aforementioned will be available at a premium through DLC; the Season Pass being priced at $49.99 adds heat to those concerns.
Star Wars Battlefront fans have taken to social media to express their frustrations:
These responses should be worrying for EA: with just under two months until the release, EA is in dire need of some good press to reconnect with the fans and customers of this beloved franchise.
Star Wars Battlefront will release on 17th November.